Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Operating Department Practice A-Z (Cambridge/2nd Edition/2008)

Operating Department Practice A-Z (Cambridge/2nd Edition/2008)
By Tom Williams & Brian Smith

The role of the operating department practitioner has evolved considerably in recent years, and both trainee and practising ODPs need a practical, up-to-date resource on terminology and current practice. Each entry in the second edition of Operating Department Practice A-Z has been fully updated and contains both a short definition and a more detailed description of the term or procedure, with supporting information to give the reader a deeper understanding of the field. In addition, the book contains useful appendices on medical terminology and abbreviations, normal values, medical and scientific symbols, and a list of useful websites for further reference. Written by two of the UK's most experienced Operating Department Practice lecturers, Operating Department Practice A-Z, second edition provides practical, concise information for all peri-operative staff members.

Book Description:
Aimed at all peri-operative staff and operating department practitioners, this book provides the related terminology and descriptions of a broad range of surgical and medical procedures, conditions and involved anatomy and physiology. In A-Z format for quick reference, all topics required to understand an operating department are covered.

About the Author:
Tom Williams has over thirty years experience as an operating department practitioner. He is currently a freelance clinical and teaching practitioner.

Brian Smith is a Senior Lecturer in Continuing Professional Development at the Edge Hill College of Higher Education, Liverpool.

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